Raith Supporters Trust is more than just a supporters’ group, it is also a bona fide community benefit organisation. This simply means it can legitimately and legally get involved in community events that not only benefit Raith Rovers but that are of interest to the Raith Rovers community in its widest sense.
Football clubs hold a unique place in the life of a town and they bring together a diverse group of people. In fact people who would ordinarily never encounter each other in any other part of life regularly cross paths and have a common point of reference because of football. It is part of the fabric that holds Kirkcaldy together and is part of its shared history.
Raith Supporters Trust recognises that the club and supporters must also give something back to the community from which the club derives its support. It is a two way process.
Therefore we are interested in working with other community groups, businesses and civic institutions, such as schools or councils, to promote the benefits of football, both in health matters and in terms of promoting pride in the local community.
If you are interested in working with the trust to achieve these aims, please e-mail us or leave a message on our free answering service (0870 432 1987) and we’ll get in touch.