Raith Supporters Trust AGM, 25th March 2013

Venue: 200 Club, Starks Park, Kirkcaldy, 7pm

Board members Steve Wallace, Steven Lawther and Tom Cunningham gave their apologies.

Welcome & Introductions
Alan Russell (AR) opened the meeting and welcomed the members.

Overview of the Previous Year
AR referred members to the reports in the 2011/12 accounts and discussed some of the highlights of the previous season, including progress on the three strategic initiatives and the decision to focus some thoughts on how to re-invigorate support for the club both financially and in terms of attendance, particularly in the difficult economic times.

Minutes of the Previous AGM
Proposed by Bert Peattie and seconded by Blair White

Treasurer’s Report
Graeme Condie (GC) provided copies of the accounts for everyone and Niall Russell (NR) had sent copies to all Trust members.
It was noted there had been a drop in fundraising income over the year mainly due to less money made from the Rock the Rovers event.
There was some discussion of the present financial position of Raith Rovers FC and it was noted the Trust had contributed in excess of £250,000 to the club over its 12 years of operation. Around £200,000 of this has been in investments in the club. The Trust has around 11% of the company that controls the club and retains the right to appoint a director.
The accounts were passed.
A motion to allow for an Independent Examination for the next year was passed.

Trust Board / Nominations Process
John Mainland stood down from the board and was thanked for his many years of contributions.
James Proctor resigned by rotation and was re-elected.
A discussion was held over recruitment of new board members. The board will consider how best to address this as part of their regular business.

Membership Report
Membership currently stood at 203 down from 216 at the end of 2011/12 (30 June). 156 members communicate by email and 47 by post. The hope is always to increase the number using email but not to stop those who prefer to get documents by post from receiving them that way.

Supporters Director
The election of a new Supporters Director to represent the interests of all Raith Rovers supporters was now due and would commence in the next fortnight.
There was some discussion on the length of the term of office and the Trust Board agreed to take soundings to see whether the term should be increased from three years to two. This will be discussed with the other supporter organisations and fans before a decision is made.

AR discussed the infographic he had produced which shows the ownership structure of RRFC in a simple visual form alongside information on the financial and sporting performance of the club over more than 130 years of continuous operation.
A wider informal discussion on this, the state of Scottish football, league reconstruction and financial problems of neighbouring clubs was held after the end of the AGM.
Thanks were given to the 200 Club for use of their facilities and to Alec for manning the bar.

The formal meeting closed at 8:05pm

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