Successful Meeting Sets Trust On Its Way
The first meeting of the trust was held on Thursday 15th February, in the Raith Suite, Stark’s Park, Kirkcaldy. With almost 40 members present the evening was a major success and took forward the concept of the Trust significantly.
A Steering Group was elected to take several key concepts forward. Those elected were: James Proctor (President), Mike Melville (Vice-President), Blair White (Secretary), Garry Fyffe (Treasurer), George Howie, Neil Langtree, Tom Phillips (Committee members), Eddie Doig (Supporters Club representative).
The meeting also agreed that £2,500 of the sum raised to date should go towards purchasing the Trust’s first shares with the income from the shares to be targeted to help the club meet the cost of the classic strips ordered and due for delivery at the end of March.
The meeting agreed that the most appropriate structure for the Trust would be an Industrial and Provident Society. The Steering Group is to bring back a detailed constitution for this option for approval by a future members’ meeting and also look at the costs involved and the possibility of obtaining charitable status.