Statement From Chairman
Some of you may be aware that I have been fortunate enough to have been employed as a caseworker for “Supporters Direct”, the company that helps Trusts start, grow and flourish. In light of my new job it seems inappropriate to remain as Chairman of the Raith Trust as there could be a perception of possible conflict of interests. This is especially true as I now find large amounts of my evenings and weekends taken up trying to help others achieve what we have achieved. I’m sad to be stepping down but I believe it is in the best interests of our Trust to do so.
It’s been quite a year for us all both on and off the park. And once the on-field ‘honours’ had been decided, the off-field activities took a turn for the worse. The Airdrie situation, the TV deals and the SPL split are all issues where supporters deserve to have their voices heard and to play their part in resolving the problems with the appropriate partners.
I believe that as a democratic, supporter-owned society we have an opportunity to play our part both in the restructuring of our own club and also in the re-shaping of Scottish football. We have put ourselves in the position where we can no longer be written off as a bunch of complainers who have no solutions to the problems facing football.
Against this background of opportunity you may find it odd that I have chosen to step down as elected Chairman of our Society. It was not a decision I took lightly but there is now an opportunity for someone else to lead and bring the Trust’s aims and ideas to reality. For the time being I will remain on the Society Board and I hope I can represent your views from that position. If not, you’re safe in the knowledge that I can be voted off by you the members, which is a comforting thought for all of us.
It’s been a pleasure helping our Trust make its mark and grow to its present size. We’re still in the infancy stage but isn’t it amazing how quickly kids grow up these days! With a few more good people on our board and a few hundred new members giving their support I believe there’s a bright future for our Trust, our club and our community.
I’ve enjoyed my 18 months as your Chairman and I hope that some of you will take the opportunity to stand for election to the Society Board. The lucky ones will get the chance to work with a terrific bunch of people who have volunteered to carry out the wishes of the members to the best of their ability and without complaint. I commend their professionalism and thank them for their valued support.
Yours Sincerely,
James Proctor