Trust Board Meeting, 4th August 2020
Venue: Online
Present: Graeme Baxter (GB), Steven Lawther (SL), James Proctor (JP) & Alan Russell (AR)
Apologies: Graeme Condie (GC), Colin Flinn (CF), Andy Simpson (AS) & Steve Wallace (SW)
Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of last meeting on 7 July 2020 – Two amendments. Agreed. Minutes will be recirculated
Matters Arising
- JP to send minutes of previous meetings back to 2016 to AR
Club Update
Season Tickets – no response to season ticket proposals. Season ticket launch didn’t include price for Under 12s making RRFC season ticket most expensive in Championship for that category.
- AR to email Andy Mill again for response on the recent proposal.
- Contact club directly to discuss need for Under-12s prices.
- Contact members to update them on progress on this issue.
Treasurers Report
No report this month – GC to update when possible.
Loan Notes – Letter drafted – send to initial group of Loan Note Holders who are members then follow up with address checking for others.
Check whether Trust 2019/20 accounts could be ready before organising next AGM (financial year ended 30 June 2020).
AGM to be organised for September/October online with possibility of invited guest for a Q&A.
Cash flow discussion carried over. Need to be aware of impact on Trust income over the next year due to lack of events.
- AR, JP & GC to write to Loan Note holders.
- JP to contact GC to determine when accounts will be ready.
- JP to organise AGM for September/October dependent on 2019/20 accounts.
- Discuss Trust cash flow forecast at next meeting.
Note: In December 2013 the Trust Board agreed to maintain a balance of £10,000.
Membership Update
Membership transfer to Membermojo will be complete by end August (final reminders).
Donations have increased using the new system.
Once renewals are complete and teething problems resolved move onto recruitment of new members.
- GC to get bank access for CF – ongoing
Communication Update
Potential to ask for assistance with Social Media – carry over to next meeting.
- Contact members over season ticket issue.
Consider online quiz for September or October – carry over to next meeting.
No other events planned.
No Forum meeting since last board meeting.
- Advise Forum that Supporter-Director role is for three years.
Roary Club would like somewhere to put information.
- AR to contact new stadium manager to find out what’s possible.
Date of next meeting
Propose 1 or 2 September 2020 – Online