Trust Board Meeting, 8th September 2020
Venue: Online
Present: Graeme Baxter (GB), Graeme Condie (GC), Steven Lawther (SL), James Proctor (JP), Alan Russell (AR), Andy Simpson (AS) & Steve Wallace (SW)
Apologies: Colin Flinn (CF)
Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of last meeting on 4 August 2020 – AGREED
Matters Arising
- JP to send minutes of previous meetings back to 2016 to AR
Club Update
AR spoke with Andy Mill in regard to Under-12s tickets. No change likely. RRFC Board had been issued with Trust paper on ticket prices prior to signing off on pricing.
Trust to continue to engage the club in dialogue on this issue to encourage a better outcome next season.
AR met with Scott Boyd to discuss improvements to Stark’s Park. Trust upgrade of parts of the concourse would be looked on favourably.
Treasurers Report
GC reported on the current cash position of the Trust, and an overview of the accounts to 30th June 2020.
Loan Notes – Letter drafted – send to initial group of Loan Note Holders who are members then follow up with address checking for others.
Trust Accounts – Minor clarifications on narrative and addresses – otherwise Accounts AGREED.
AGM to be organised for mid-October online with possibility of invited guest for a Q&A.
Cash flow discussion carried over. Need to be aware of impact on Trust income over the next year due to lack of events.
- AR, JP & GC to write to Loan Note holders.
- JP to organise AGM for October – agree agenda and running order with AR, GC and CF.
- Discuss Trust cash flow forecast at next meeting.
Note: In December 2013 the Trust Board agreed to maintain a balance of £10,000.
Membership Update
Membership transfer to Membermojo is complete. Now 154 members.
- Discuss recruitment drive at next meeting.
Communication Update
Posted update on Under 12s tickets to website, Facebook and Twitter.
- Discuss getting assistance with Social Media – carried over.
Consider online quiz for later in the year.
No other events planned.
Forum meeting notes were circulated.
AR speaking with artist in regard to murals for the South Stand.
Looking at putting storage into the South Stand.
Discussion of whether to look at using one of the larger bays for Trust given social distancing and Roary Club use.
- Agree budget for South Stand area at next meeting
Q&A with John Sim – Highlight opportunity to members/fans.
- Post questions on ticket pricing, stadium maintenance and general financial wellbeing.
Date of next meeting
Propose 6th or 7th October 2020 – Online
Note: Meeting suspended at 7.35pm to allow discussion with Paul Grieg of RRFC Community Foundation.