Trust Board Meeting, 11th April 2005

Venue: Novar Bar, Kirkcaldy

Present: George Howie (GH), Tom Phillips (TP), Collas Pilmer (CP), Alan Russell (AR), Neil Langtree (NL)
Apologies: James Proctor (JP), John Mainland (JM), Chris McFarlane (CM)

Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes were agreed as a fair record of the previous meeting

Treasurer’s report

No report was available due to CM’s absence

Membership update

No report was available due to JP’s absence

Community Ownership / Members Meeting

Attempts to contact Jimmy Miller have been continuing without success – try again to get further than his secretary before the members meeting (CM by phone, GH to contact him in writing if this is still unsuccessful)

Items to cover in the members meeting:

  • Re-establish principles of the Trust in general and the Reclaim The Rovers campaign
  • Lay out sequence of events behind the Jimmy Miller deal and our understanding of the current picture
  • Describe the next steps for the Loan Notes Fund – loan note holders will decide what happens to this fund
  • Thank the fund raisers! Particularly Allan Traynor for his work on the fanzine
  • Ask for support from the membership to continue with the campaign
  • Stress that we’re ready for the next crisis – we expect the annual cash-flow shortfall to happen again next season, and we expect the RRFC board to come calling for help
  • We understand RRFC’s finances better than anyone else – we use spreadsheets and business plans

Date of Next Meeting

Monday 9 May 2005 – 7.30pm @ Novar Bar

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