Annual General Meeting, 21st May 2009
Venue: Raith Suite, Starks Park, Kirkcaldy
Attendance: 20
Minutes of previous AGM were agreed
Treasurer’s Report
- Accounts for the 07/08 year were discussed
- Income (less grant income) was up
- Website income and affinity income had increased
- Costs were reduced through doing an Independent Examination instead of an audit
- Accounts were agreed
- Motion to allow Independent Examination in 08/09 was agreed
Membership Report
- Current membership was 199
- 50% of members receive communications by email
- All membership renewals will now happen in July/August
Chairman’s Report
Alan Russell, Chair of the Trust, gave an overview of the year’s activity:
- Fundraising over the season was in excess of £6,000
- Simple ideas like the sponsored walk to Methil raised £1,200
- Sales of books and merchandise had helped increase income
- Helped to support the Kirkcaldy Museum RRFC event and online Museum
- Trust members assisted in making Raith TV and The Treatment Table radio show a big success
Loan Fund
Motion to convert remaining cash in loan fund was passed
Election of Trust Board
One nomination had been received and Steven Lawther was duly elected to the Trust Board.
- Discussion on position of Stark’s Park Properties – no change was reported
- Discussion on the difference between the Trust and other supporters organisations
- Seek to give supporters influence in the running of the club and act as a guardian and watchdog of the governance of the club in order to ensure its continuation for future generations
- Discussion on improving membership – need to take advantage of improved administrative capacity, improve communication and use early season as a membership drive
Meeting Closed at 8.20pm