Trust Board Meeting, 4th December 2012

Venue: Novar Bar, Kirkcaldy
Present: Graeme Condie (GC), James Proctor (JP), Niall Russell (NR) and Alan Russell (AR)
Apologies: John Mainland (JM), Steven Lawther (SL), Tam Cunningham (TC) and Steve Wallace (SW)

Minutes of previous meeting
It was agreed that they were a record of the previous board meeting on 24 September 2012
Action: AR to publish to website

Matters Arising
Update logo on RRFC Website – done
Fans Director – invite applicants as part of the AGM process
Action: JP to email Eric Drysdale and Dave Wann

Treasurers Report
Signed copies of the accounts will be available post-AGM
GC gave an overview of the current bank balances
Action: GC to arrange access to online banking for NR & JP

Membership Update
Database has been updated using the most recent statement
193 current members
Action: Discuss using 2 year membership cycle at AGM

Raith Trust Communication Update
The website and Facebook page were updated to include a report back from SD conference and we’ve also linked to the SFA Fan Survey.
There has been fairly regular updating of the Facebook page with various stories and Rovers related stuff.
There are also opportunities to write more about league reconstruction.
Action: JP to ask Dave Wann about all-ticket arrangements at recent Dunfermline match
Action: SL to organise prints to 200 Club

Policy Papers Update
After discussions with RRFC board a ‘bums on seats’ campaign would be more helpful in the short term. Worth trying some small experiments?
Legacy giving is worth following up
Action: AR to speak to Kev Barretto to discuss
Long term giving also worth continuing
Action: AR to re-write paper

Action: AR to contact volunteer who expressed interest in helping with events

Trust Away Day/AGM
Action: SW to circulate notes of Away Day
AGM provisionally agreed for w/c 21 Jan
Action: AR to contact Dave Wann for player/manager appearance
Action: NR to email AGM letter to JP for review

Fans Forum
JM provided minutes of the meeting

Mark Sanderson Loan Note – Board agree not to reimburse
Action: JM to pass letter to JP for reply

Date of next meeting
Monday 28 January 2013 at the Novar Bar, Kirkcaldy unless otherwise advised

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