Trust Board Meeting, 2nd June 2020
Venue: Online
Present: Graeme Baxter (GB), Colin Flinn (CF), James Proctor (JP), Alan Russell (AR) & Andy Simpson (AS)
Apologies: Graeme Condie (GC), Steven Lawther (SL), Steve Wallace (SW)
Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of last meeting on 6 May 2020 – Agreed.
Matters Arising
No matters arising outside agenda.
Club Update
Andy Mill gave a general briefing on RRFC matters and reinforced how important the fans Crowdfunding efforts are to the stability of the club.
Trust Board encourage the club to look at cost of youth season ticket for the upcoming season.
Treasurers Report
No report this month – GC to update when possible.
Loan Notes – Draft letter to Loan Note Holders.
AGM to be organised once member database functional.
- AR, JP & GC to write to Loan Note holders.
- JP to organise AGM after next meeting.
Note: In December 2013 the Trust Board agreed to maintain a balance of £10,000.
Membership Update
Membership data to be uploaded to Member Mojo.
Everyone to be encouraged to sign up to Direct Debit.
Send welcome email to existing members to encourage them to update their details.
- AR to arrange handover of membership information to CF and populate new database.
Communication Update
No discussion.
Player of the Year event went well.
No other events planned.
- Advise Forum that Support-Director role is for three years.
Discussion of improving the area held over to next meeting.
- Discuss ideas at next meeting.
- SL to contact Roary Club organisers for input.
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 7 July 2020 – Online